Monday, September 13, 2010

5 Ways to Delight Consumers

To generalize grossly, I think what people respond to in advertising is a sense of delight. So, here are my five methods for creating delight through advertising. This is all you really need to know about advertising.

  1. Make 'em laugh.
  2. Make the user feel smart by giving them the opportunity to discover something on their own. This could be a subtle joke you're making, a universal truth or even a hidden easter egg in the image. The best way to accomplish this sort of thing is to hold back -- you know, the opposite of what you're usually asked to do.
  3. Show a positive, unexpected community experience. This is a great way to give chills, if done honestly and with meaning.
  4. Create something new and visually stunning. (Known by most graphic designers as "wicked," "cool" or "awesome.")
  5. Wow them with surprising facts.

Okay, this isn't really everything you need to know about advertising, or even about how to delight consumers. But it's a good start.